What You Need to Know Before Arriving on Campus

Information Technology Services (ITS) provides assistance to computer, phone, and multimedia users at Lycoming College. For help with questions related to these services, students can contact the IT Service Center — located on the first floor of Snowden Library.

What is Lyco Advisor Self-Service?

Lyco Advisor Self-Service is a web-based interface that allows students 24-hour self-service access to information related to their academic records, grades, student financial accounts, and student financial aid.

PARENTS: Please Note – Students may choose to share the information in Lyco Advisor Self-Service with you, parents are not assigned their own Lyco Advisor Self-Service accounts.

Lycoming Email Account

All students are assigned an email account ending in @lycoming.edu from the College. Students are required to check this email account on a regular basis.  As stated in the Student Handbook, the College uses the @lycoming.edu email address for announcements and many faculty members communicate with students between classes using this email.

Check your @lycoming.edu email account throughout the summer by going to portal.office.com to ensure that you receive announcements and information that will be important for you to know prior to check-in for the Fall Semester. You can also set up your mobile device to receive Lycoming College email.

What Kind of Computer Do I Need?

The College’s Information Technology Services (ITS) recommends that students bring a laptop computer to campus. For a complete list of minimum specifications for on-campus computing, see Purchasing a New Computer.


For help with on-campus computing questions, call (570) 321-4150, email it.servicecenter@lycoming.edu, or visit us at the IT Service Center located in the Academic Center, Snowden Library first floor.

Computer Labs and Laptop Carts

Computer labs are available in several campus locations. The computer lab listing and PC computer lab schedules can be found online.

Laptop carts are also available in several campus locations. Individual laptops are available for daily use at the ITS Service Center in the Snowden library.


The Student Technology Fee includes a $50 in printing and copying credit per semester from networked printers in the computer labs and the library. Additional pages printed will be charged to the student’s account. Print costs per page can be found here.

Networked printers/copiers are available in other public areas such as Jack’s Corner and Pennington Lounge. Students are permitted to have their own printers in their rooms.

Wireless Internet Access

Wireless internet access is available in all buildings throughout campus. To access wireless internet service, see our Connect to Wi-Fi page. Students must have a valid username and password to gain internet access. Students are not permitted to have personal wireless routers on campus.

Mobile Communications

Students are encouraged to provide their contact number to the College. The contact number is used for official college business only and will not be printed or otherwise distributed outside of the College.

Students can confirm and update their contact number in two ways.

  1. Instructions for confirming and updating your contact number on Lyco Advisor are available here.
  2. Enroll in the Lyco Alert campuswide RAVE mobile alert system.