Warriorthon callers group photo

Students are the heart and soul of Lycoming College; that is why we hire student ambassadors to share with our alumni, parents, and friends the importance of giving to the College. Our students value the liberal arts education they receive and realize the lifelong return on investment it provides.

For two weeks each semester during the academic year, a team of student ambassadors reaches out to members of the Lycoming community to share updates about the College, answer questions, confirm contact information, and ask for financial support for Lycoming College. In turn, the ambassadors sharpen their communication skills and hear firsthand from alumni about their Lycoming experiences — all while receiving wonderful advice about career development.

We hope you will take a few minutes to connect with a Warrior. Answer the call to inspire greatness!

For more information, please contact Susan Yost ’99, Associate Director of Annual Giving, at 570-321-4196 or yost@lycoming.edu. If you prefer, you may make a gift online now to be removed from the call list.

Fall 2024

The calling dates for Warriorthon are September 8-23, 2024. By answering the call for Warriorthon, Lycoming College will remove you from further phone solicitations during the academic year. Student ambassadors will be calling from 570-321-4196 on campus.

Student Ambassadors

Angelina Macchia Barba '27
Angelina Macchia Barba '27
Biology Major with an Education Certification
Mayra Ceron Campos '26
Mayra Ceron Campos '26
Warriorthon Student Supervisor
Sociology Major
Ben Fry '25
Benjamin Fry '25
Biology Major (Ecology Track)
Kaitlynn Mangrum '25
Kaitlynn Mangrum '25
Political Science & Spanish Dual-Major
Erika Puga '27
Erika Puga '27
Political Science Major
Tiaura Robinson '25
Tiaura Robinson '25
Psychology Major
Beatriz MacAreno Rodriguez '25
Beatriz MacAreno Rodriguez '25
Psychology Major
Payton Zohfeld '27
Payton Zohfeld '27
Undeclared Major