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Using A Planner
Using a planner can help not only keep track of homework assignments and due dates, but can schedule appointments, presentations, interviews, and special events. Planning out and paying attention to your responsibilities is an invaluable tool during the college career.
What is a Planner?
Planners may come in the form of a Lycoming DayPlanner, your cell phone calendar, a giant desk calendar, a notebook of to-do lists, your Lyco email calendar, or something else entirely!
How to use it
The planner should include all of your commitments, their dates, times, and whereabouts, along with any other important information about them, such as wardrobe requirements (business casual or formal attire), ticket prices, any necessary supplies, etc.
After all of your commitments have been noted, it is important to prioritize them! This way, you know what needs to be done first, and what can wait.
Below are some resources to help you learn how to successfully utilize a planner, the many types of planners, and where to get one.
Why Prioritize?
Prioritizing your commitments can help to get things done in an efficient and useful order, lessening your stress levels and making time for fun.
Prioritizing items should be based on how important the item is, when it occurs, how long it will take, and the impact it will make on you.
Below are some resources to help you learn about and practice prioritizing.