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Sales, Fundraising, Solicitation
All on and off campus sales, fundraisers, or solicitations must receive prior approval from the Office of the Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students. Sales may be restricted to designated locations on campus.
Lycoming College organizations, faculty, staff, or students may be granted permission to conduct a sale, fundraiser, or solicitation on campus.
Individuals or organizations who are not Lycoming College organizations, faculty, staff or students will be permitted to sell items only if they have been invited by College organizations or offices.
The following conditions must be met for any sale, fundraiser, or solicitation to be approved:
- Products or services do not compete with the activities of the Campus Store or the Office of College Advancement.
- Products or services are not in violation of College policies, the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or the federal government. Copyright and trademark restrictions require special attention. It is the responsibility of those seeking permission to sell products on campus to be aware of any copyright or trademark restrictions. A trademark is any symbol, design, word, letter, etc. used by a manufacturer or dealer to distinguish a product or products from those of competitors; usually registered and protected by law. The Lycoming College seal is a trademarked item. Individuals or student organizations seeking permission to sell products on campus should be prepared to provide written proof of permission to use copyrighted or trademarked material.
- Products or services do not include any indecent or obscene material.
- The Lycoming College logotype (i.e., name or symbols) is not used to encourage alcohol or illegal drug use.
- All fundraisers at Lycoming College involving students, faculty, and/or staff shall be strictly voluntary. If an activity seeking donations is planned which may be seen as coercive in any way (such as "jailing" participants and having them seek "bail", or requiring a donation for removal of objects from an office or room), all participants must first agree to participate in writing (including email).
Individuals who do not agree with the decision of the Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students regarding sales, solicitation or fundraising, may appeal this decision by writing to the Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students and the Vice President will convene a committee to review the request.