Aerial view of campus with Williamsport, the Susquehanna River and Bald Eagle Mountain as a backdrop


This information is provided as an example of credits that have transferred in the past. It does NOT guarantee the future transfer of those credits. Final determination of transfer credit will be made by the Registrar based on official transcripts only. In particular, courses taken through dual-enrollment or online instruction may be evaluated differently.

Course Equivalent Lycoming Course Credits Transferred
AACTG 211: Fin Mgl Acc Dec Mk ACCT-110: Financial Accounting 4.00
ACCTG 211: Fin Mgl Acc Dec Mk ACCT-110: Financial Accounting 4.00
AMST 104: Women & Amer Exper HUM-ELCT: Humanities Elective 3.00
ANTH 002: Intro Archaeology ARCH-ELCT: Archaeology Elective 3.00
ANTH 021: Intro Biol Anth SOC-114: Introduction to Anthropology 3.00
ARAB 001: El Mod Std Arab I MLS-ELCT: Elective 4.00
ARAB 002: El Mod Std Arab II MLS-ELCT: Elective 4.00
ARAB 1: El Mod Std Arab I MLS-ELCT: Elective 4.00
ARAB 165: Islam Civilization HIST-232: The Rise of Islam 3.00
ARMY 101: Army Org and Func MLSC-101: Leadership/Personal Develop. 0.00
ART 020: Intro Drawing ART-111: Drawing I 3.00
ART 030: Intro Sculpture ART-116: Three-Dimensional Design 3.00
ART 050: Intro Painting ART-220: Painting I 3.00
ART 080: Intro Ceramics ART-119: Ceramics I 3.00
ART 112: Ren to Modern Art ART-223: Survey of Art II 4.00
ART 307: American Art ART-ELCT: Art Elective 3.00
ART H 112: Ren to Modern Art ART-223: Survey of Art II 3.00
ART H 201: Anc to Med Arch ART-222: Survey of Art I: 3.00
ASTRO 001 + ASTRO 011: Astro Universe + Elem Astro Lab ASTR-101: Principles of Astronomy 4.00
ASTRO 140: Life in Universe GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
B A 241 + MIS 204: Legal Env Bus + Intro Bus Inf Sys BUS-235 + BUS-211: Legal Principles I + Management Information Systems 3.00 + 2.00
B A 250: Small Business Mgmt BUS-ELCT: Business Elective 3.00
B A 303: Mktg BUS-ELCT: Business Elective 2.00
B A 304: Mgmt & Org BUS-ELCT: Business Elective 2.00
B A 322: Neg Skills for Bus GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
BA SC 003: Environmental Sci GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
BB H 048: Values and Health GNL-ELCT: Elective 1.50
BB H 146: Hlth & Hum Sex GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
BI SC 001: Struc/Dunc Orgnsm GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
BI SC 002: Genet Ecol Evol GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
BI SC 003: Environmental Sci GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
BI SC 003: Evironmental Sci GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
BIOL 129: Mammalian Anatomy BIO-106: Cells, Genes, and Society 4.00
BISC 1: Struct/Func Orgnsm SCI-NLDIST: Science No Lab - Distribution 3.00
CAS 100: Effective Speech CCOM-211: Informative/Persuasive Spking 3.00
CAS 100A: Effective Speech CCOM-211: Informative/Persuasive Spking 3.00
CAS 100B: Effective Speech CCOM-211: Informative/Persuasive Spking 3.00
CAS 100C: Effective Speech CCOM-211: Informative/Persuasive Spking 3.00
CAS 252: Bus Profession Com CCOM-ELCT: Elective 3.00
CHEM 001: Molecular Sci GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
CHEM 001: Molecular Sci SCI-NLDIST: Science No Lab - Distribution 3.00
CHEM 110: Chem Princ I GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
CHEM 110 + CHEM 108: Chem Princ I + Prob Solving Chem SCI-DIST: Science Distribution 4.00
CHEM 110 + CHEM 111: Chem Princ I + Exper Chem I CHEM-110: General Chemistry I 4.00
CHEM 111: Exper Chem I GNL-ELCT: Elective 1.00
CHEM 112 + CHEM 113: Chem Princ II + Exper Chem II CHEM-111: General Chemistry II 4.00
CMLIT 006: Phil Lit West LIT-ELCT: Elective 3.00
CMLIT 131: Crime & Detection ENGL-115: Introduction to Literature: 3.00
CMLIT 184: The Short Story LIT-ELCT: Elective 3.00
CMPSC 121: Intro Prgmg Tech CPTR-125: Intro to Computer Science 3.00
COMM 100: Mass Media & Soc GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
COMM 100: Mass Media and Soc GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
COMM 110: Media and Democracy CCOM-ELCT: Elective 3.00
COMM 150: Cinema Art THEA-114D: Motion Picture Masterpieces 3.00
COMM 160: News Writing Skill GNL-ELCT: Elective 1.00
COMM 241: Graphic Design FA-ELCT: Fine Arts Elective 3.00
COMM 242: Basic Video/Film DCOM-200: Digital Film/Video Production 4.00
COMM 242: Basic Vidoe/Film DCOM-200: Digital Film/Video Production 3.00
COMM 270: Multimedia Prod GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
CRIM 012: Criminology CJCR-ELCT: Criminal Justice Elective 3.00
CRIM 100: Intro Am Crim Jus CJCR-100: Intro to Criminal Justice 3.00
CRIMJ 100: Intro to Crim Jus CJCR-100: Intro to Criminal Justice 3.00
CRIMJ 220: Crts Pros Proc CJCR-243: Courts and Sentencing Policy 3.00
CRIMJ 230: Correc Amer CJCR-203: Correctional Policy 3.00
CRIMJ 230: Correc Amer CJCR-203: Correctional Policy 4.00
CSD 146: Intro to Csd GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
CSD 218: Am Sign Lang I GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
CUMLIT 108: Mythology HUM-ELCT: Humanities Elective 3.00
DANCE 100: Dance Apprec FA-ELCT: Fine Arts Elective 3.00
E SC 120S: Design for Failure GNL-ELCT: Elective 1.00
EARTH 101: Natural Disasters GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
ECON 102: Microec Anly ECON-111: Principles of Microeconomics 3.00
ECON 104: MacRoec Anly ECON-110: Principles of Macroeconomics 3.00
ECON 351: Money & Banking ECON-220: Money and Banking 3.00
EDSGN 100: Intro Engr Dsgn GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
EDTHP 115: Ed in Am Society EDUC-200: Intro to Study of Education 3.00
EDTHP 115A: Issues in Am Educ EDUC-200: Intro to Study of Education 3.00
EDUC 440: Stat & Meas EDUC-ELCT: Elective 3.00
EGEE 101: Energy & Envirnmnt GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
ENGL 015: Rhetoric & Comp ENGL-106: Composition 3.00
ENGL 0155: Rhetoric & Comp ENGL-106: Composition 3.00
ENGL 015H: Rhetoric & Comp ENGL-106: Composition 3.00
ENGL 015S: Rhetoric & Comp ENGL-106: Composition 3.00
ENGL 050: Intr Creative Writ ENGL-240: Intro to Creative Writing 3.00
ENGL 050: Intr Creative Writ GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
ENGL 101: Composition ENGL-106: Composition 4.00
ENGL 140: Contemporary Lit LIT-ELCT: Elective 3.00
ENGL 15: Rhetoric and Comp ENGL-106: Composition 3.00
ENGL 184: The Short Story ENGL-215: Introduction to Literature: 3.00
ENGL 192: Lit of Fantasy ENGL-215: Introduction to Literature: 3.00
ENGL 202A: Writing/Soc Sci ENGL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
ENGL 202D: Business Writing ENGL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
ENGL 213: Intro Poetry Wrtg FA-ELCT: Fine Arts Elective 3.00
ENGL 420: Write for the Web MWTG-325: Web Communication 4.00
ENGL 436: Am Fict Since 1945 ENGL-223: American Literature II 3.00
ENGL 50: Intr Creative Writ CRWR-240: Intro to Creative Writing 3.00
FIN 406: Sec Anly & Prt Mgmt BUS-410: Investments 3.00
FR 001: Elem French I FRN-101: Elementary French I 4.00
FR 002: Elem French II FRN-102: Elementary French II 4.00
FR 139: Frnce & Fr-Spk Wld FRN-EL(100): French Elective 100 Level 3.00
GEOSC 020: Planet Earth GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
GER 003: Inmd German GERM-111: Intermediate German I 4.00
HD FS 129: Intro to HD FS GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
HD FS 129: Intro to HD FS SOC-ELCT: Elective 3.00
HD FS 229: Infancy Childhood PSY-ELCT: Elective 3.00
HD FS 229: Infancy Childhood SOC-ELCT: Elective 3.00
HD FS 239: Adol Dev GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
HD FS 301: Val/Ethics H Dev GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
HD FS 311: HD FS Intervention GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
HD FS 312W: Empirical Inquiry GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
HD FS 315Y: Family Development GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
HDFS 249: Adult Dev Aging PSY-ELCT: Elective 3.00
HIST 002: West Heritage II HIST-116: Western Civilization II 3.00
HIST 012: Pennsylvania HIST-ELCT: History Elective 3.00
HIST 103: Mad Mental Psych HIST-ELCT: History Elective 3.00
HIST 130: The Civil War Era HIST-ELCT: History Elective 3.00
HIST 143: Fascism & Nazism HIST-ELCT: History Elective 3.00
HIST 150: The 1960'S HIST-ELCT: History Elective 3.00
HIST 154: US Wlfare & Property HIST-ELCT: History Elective 3.00
HONOR 301H: Role of Knowledge GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
INART 010: Pop Media Arts FA-ELCT: Fine Arts Elective 3.00
INART 110: Drama Mass Media3 FA-ELCT: Fine Arts Elective 3.00
INART 220: Stand-Up Comedy FA-ELCT: Fine Arts Elective 3.00
INART 258A: Fund Dig Aud FA-ELCT: Fine Arts Elective 3.00
IST 110: Info People Tech GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
IST 110S: Info People Tech GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
IT 001: Elem Italian I MLS-ELCT: Elective 4.00
IT 2: Elem Italian II MLS-ELCT: Elective 4.00
KINES 084H: Fitness for Life PHED-105: Physical Education Activities 0.00
KINES 088: Varsity Sports PHED-114: Soccer 0.00
KINES 089: Wilderness Exper PHED-105: Physical Education Activities 0.00
KINES 88: Varsity Sports PHED-105: Physical Education Activities 0.00
LATIN 001: Elementary Latin LAT-101: Latin Grammar and Readings I 4.00
M I S 204: Intro Bus Inf Sys GNL-ELCT: Elective 2.00
MATH 017: Finite Math GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
MATH 021: College Algebra I MATH-100: Basic Algebra 2.00
MATH 026: Plane Trigonometry GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
MATH 036: Insights Into Math GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
MATH 041: Trig/Anly Geom MATH-129: Calculus/Analytic Geometry II 3.00
MATH 140A: Calc Alg Trig MATH-128 + MATH-100EX: Calculus/Analytic Geometry I + Exempt From Basic Algebra 4.00 + 0.00
MATH 22: College Algebra II MATH-100: Basic Algebra 2.00
MATH 26: Plane Trigonometry GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
MGMT 441: Adv Hum Rsrce Mgmt BUS-ELCT: Business Elective 3.00
MICRB + MICRB 107: Elem Micrb + Elem Micrb Lab BIO-106: Cells, Genes, and Society 4.00
MICRB 201 + MICRB 202: Intro Microbiology + Intro Micrb Lab SCI-DIST: Science Distribution 4.00
MIS 204: Intro Bus Inf Sys BUS-211: Management Information Systems 2.00
MUS 008: Rud of Mus MUS-116: Introduction to Music 3.00
MUSIC 004: Film Music FA-ELCT: Fine Arts Elective 3.00
MUSIC 008: Rud of Mus MUS-ELCT: Elective 3.00
MUSIC 054: Bgn Cl Gtr/Nonmus MUS-162: Strings or Guitar 0.50
MUSIC 083: Campus Band MUS-169: Band 0.00
MUSIC 104: Chamber Singers MUS-168: Choir 0.00
MUSIC 5: Intro/Western Music MUS-117: Survey of Western Music 3.00
NUTR 297A: Food Nutr & Culture GNL-ELCT: Elective 1.50
PHIL 001: Basic Prob of Phil PHIL-140: Central Problems in Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 103: Intro Ethics PHIL-120: Introduction Moral Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 108: Intro Soc Pol Phil PHIL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
PHIL 123: Intro Ethics Media PHIL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
PHIL 125: Intro to Thry Knowl PHIL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
PHOTO 100: Intro Photo ART-227: Photography I 3.00
PHYS 211: Mechanics PHYS-225: Fundamentals of Physics I 4.00
PHYS 211R: Mechanics PHYS-225: Fundamentals of Physics I 4.00
PL SC 003: Intro to Comp Pol PSCI-221D: Comparative Politics/Geography 3.00
PL SC 014: Intnatl Relations PSCI-160: International Relations 3.00
PLSC 014: Intnatl Relations PSCI-160: International Relations 3.00
PLSC 1: Intr to Am Nat Gov PSCI-110: U.S. Government and Politics 3.00
PLSC 110: Rights in Am PSCI-110: U.S. Government and Politics 3.00
PLSC 3: Intro to Comp Pol PSCI-140: Comparative Politcs Geography 3.00
PSU 005: Bks- 1ST-YR-SMNR GNL-ELCT: Elective 1.00
PSU 006: Bus 1ST-YR Smr GNL-ELCT: Elective 1.00
PSU 008: Unv Col 1ST-YR Smn GNL-ELCT: Elective 1.00
PSU 014: HHDEV 1St -YR SMNR GNL-ELCT: Elective 1.00
PSU 016: Sci 1st -Yr Smnr GNL-ELCT: Elective 1.00
PSU 8: Unv Col 1st Yr Smn GNL-ELCT: Elective 1.00
PSY 238: Intro Person Psy PSY-336: Personality Theory 3.00
PSYCH 100: Intro Psychology GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
PSYCH 100: Intro Psychology PSY-110: Introductory Psychology 3.00
PSYCH 100: Intro Psychology SOCSC-ELCT: Social Sciences Elective 3.00
PSYCH 105: Psy Science Prof GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
PSYCH 212: Devl Psychology PSY-117: Developmental Psychology 3.00
PSYCH 221: Intro Soc Psych PSY-ELCT: Elective 3.00
PSYCH 238: Intro Person Psy PSY-336: Personality Theory 3.00
PSYCH 243: Intr Welbe Pos Psy PSY-ELCT: Elective 3.00
PSYCH 243: Intr Welbe Pos Psy SOCSC-ELCT: Social Sciences Elective 3.00
PSYCH 281: Intro Inds-Org Psy PSY-225: Industrial/Organizatnl Psych 3.00
PSYCH 412: Adolescence PSY-118: Adolescent Psychology 3.00
PSYCH 434: Psych of Gaming PSY-ELCT: Elective 3.00
PSYCH 471: Psy Adj & Soc Rel PSY-ELCT: Elective 3.00
PSYCH 476: Child Psychopathol PSY-216: Abnormal Child Psychology 3.00
RPTM 120: Leisure/Human Beh SOCSC-ELCT: Social Sciences Elective 3.00
RUS 100: Culture & Civzn HUM-ELCT: Humanities Elective 3.00
S T S 150: Fiery Furnace GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
S T S 200H: Critical Sts Issue HUM-ELCT: Humanities Elective 3.00
SC 297B: Science Seminar GNL-ELCT: Elective 1.00
SOC 001: Intro Sociology SOC-110: Introduction to Sociology 3.00
SOC 119: Race & Ethnic Rel SOC-ELCT: Elective 3.00
SPAN 003: Inmd Spanish SPAN-111: Intermediate Spanish I 4.00
SPAN 3: Inmd Spanish SPAN-111: Intermediate Spanish I 4.00
SRA 111: Intro to Sra GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
STAT 100: Stat Concepts MATH-STA/DIS: Stats for Math Distribution 3.00
STAT 200: Elem Statistcs MATH-123: Introduction to Statistics 4.00
STAT 200: Elem Statistics MATH-STA/DIS: Stats for Math Distribution 4.00
STS 200: Critical Sts Issue HUM-ELCT: Humanities Elective 3.00
THEA 102: Acting Fund THEA-140: Acting I 3.00
WMNST 104: Women & Amer Exper GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
WMNST 106: Wmn Gender & Arts HUM-ELCT: Humanities Elective 3.00
WMNST 194: Women Writers ENGL-215: Introduction to Literature: 3.00