Aerial view of campus with Williamsport, the Susquehanna River and Bald Eagle Mountain as a backdrop


This information is provided as an example of credits that have transferred in the past. It does NOT guarantee the future transfer of those credits. Final determination of transfer credit will be made by the Registrar based on official transcripts only. In particular, courses taken through dual-enrollment or online instruction may be evaluated differently.

Course Equivalent Lycoming Course Credits Transferred
ACCT 101: Principles of Accounting I GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
ARTD 105: History of Art I-Gl ART-222: Survey of Art I: 3.00
ARTD 110: Two Dimensional Design ART-111: Drawing I 3.00
ASTM 101 + ASTM 102: Astronomy + Astronomy Laboratory ASTR-101: Principles of Astronomy 4.00
BIOL 108: Investigating Livng Wld BIO-ELCT: Biology Elective 4.00
BIOL 230: Microbiology BIO-321: Microbiology 4.00
CHEM 107 + CHEM 108: Fundamentals of Chem + Fundamentals Chem Lab CHEM-100: Chemistry in Context 4.00
CHEM 121 + CHEM 122: General Chemistry I + Gen Chem I Lab CHEM-110: General Chemistry I 4.00
CHEM 123 + CHEM 124: General Chem II + General Chem II Lab CHEM-111: General Chemistry II 4.00
CHEM 123 + CHEM 124: General Chemistry II + General Chemistry II Lab CHEM-111: General Chemistry II 4.00
CMNS 101: Fund of Communication CCOM-211: Informative/Persuasive Spking 3.00
CMNS 101: Fund of Communication-Honors CCOM-ELCT: Elective 3.00
CRJU 223: Juvenile Delinquency CJCR-204: Youth/Deviance/Social Control 3.00
ECON 201: Intro MacRo-Economics ECON-110: Principles of Macroeconomics 3.00
ECON 202: Intro Micro-Economics ECON-111: Principles of Microeconomics 3.00
EDTR 103: Prin of Human Grwth & Dev PSY-117: Developmental Psychology 3.00
ENGL 101: College Composition I ENGL-106: Composition 3.00
ENGL 102: College Composition II GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
ENGL 102 + ENGL 101: College Composition II + College Composition I ENGL-106: Composition 4.00
ENVS 101 + ENVS 102: Intro Enviromental Sci + Intro to Environ Sci Lab BIO-220: Environmental Biology 4.00
ENVS 101 + ENVS 102: Intro Environmental Sci + Intro Environmental Sci Lab SCI-DIST: Science Distribution 4.00
ENVS 142: Environmental Law & Regulation GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
FLSP 102: Intro Spanish II SPAN-102: Elementary Spanish II 3.00
GEOG 102: Intro to Cultural Geog GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
HIST 101: West Civ I Ancnt & Med-GL HIST-115: Western Civilization I 3.00
HIST 102: West Civ II Modern HIST-116: Western Civilization II 3.00
HIST 111: Hist of US I HIST-125: United States to 1877 3.00
HIST 111: History of US I HIST-125: United States to 1877 3.00
HLTH 101: Health and Wellness WELL-105: Topics in Wellness 0.00
LGST 101: Introduction to Law SOCSC-ELCT: Social Sciences Elective 3.00
LGST 103: Legal Research & Writing I SOCSC-ELCT: Social Sciences Elective 3.00
MATH 083: Intermediate Algebra MATH-100: Basic Algebra 0.00
MATH 153: Intro Statistical Meth MATH-123: Introduction to Statistics 4.00
MATH 163: College Algebra MATH-100: Basic Algebra 2.00
MATH 165: Precalculus MATH-127: Precalculus Mathematics 4.00
MNGT 101: Introduction to Business GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
MNGT 105: Principles of Management GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
PEFT 101: Lifetime Fitness PHED-105: Physical Education Activities 0.00
PEFT 101: Lifetime Fitness/Well PHED-105: Physical Education Activities 0.00
PELF 116: Weight Training PHED-105: Physical Education Activities 0.00
PETA 110: Field Games and Basketball PHED-105: Physical Education Activities 0.00
PHIL 101: Intor to Philosophy PHIL-140: Central Problems in Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 103: Critical Thinking PHIL-105: Principles of Critical Thinkng 3.00
PHYS 105: How Things Work SCI-NLDIST: Science No Lab - Distribution 3.00
POLS 101: Amer Gov't & Politics PSCI-110: U.S. Government and Politics 3.00
POLS 101: Amer Govt & Politics PSCI-110: U.S. Government and Politics 3.00
POLS 131: Compar Gov & Pltc Gl (s,d) PSCI-160: International Relations 3.00
PSYC 101: Intro to Psychology SOCSC-ELCT: Social Sciences Elective 3.00
PSYC 215: Educational Psychology PSY-138: Educational Psychology 3.00
SOCL 101: Intro to Sociology SOC-110: Introduction to Sociology 3.00
SPCM 101: Fund of Speech Communic CCOM-211: Informative/Persuasive Spking 3.00
WLSP 102: Intro Spanish II SPAN-102: Elementary Spanish II 3.00
WLSP 201: Intrmd Spanish I SPAN-111: Intermediate Spanish I 3.00