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Wilderness Medicine
Knowledge is the most important thing you can carry with you in the backcountry (and it's pretty light too!)
Do you know what to do if someone gets hurt and you're miles from your car? It is a scary idea, right!? The "it won't happen to me" attitude just doesn't cut it. Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills required to take charge of the situation and be an asset instead of a hinderance. Lycoming College offers SOLO Wilderness Medicine certification courses periodically throughout the year. The courses include:
- Wilderness First Aid: This is a two-day, 16 hour class that is a basic introduction to helping the ill or injured in a delayed care setting. This course is perfect for the recreational outdoor user, hunters, scout leaders, or anyone who would like a general overview of what wilderness medicine is all about.
- Wilderness First Responder: This nine-day, 80 hour course is the industry standard certification for anyone seeking to work with, or guide others in backcountry environments. This course allows the student ample time for hands-on practice and an opportunity to explore backcountry medicine from various perspectives.
Upcoming Courses: TBA
Learn more about SOLO Wilderness Medicine School