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We're confident in our deep pursuit of knowledge and bold in its application.
Criminal Justice REU boosts resume for aspiring research analyst
Take a virtual step onto College Place or stroll across the Quad on a student-guided tour and you'll feel right at home.
Lycoming College seniors engaged in career preparation activities at almost twice the rate of other college seniors.
*Statistics shown are from the 2021 National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)
The Lycoming College Board of Trustees today announced the appointment of Charles Edmonds, Ed.D. ’98, to the presidency of the College. Currently the executive vice president at Lycoming College, Edmonds will commence his role as president beginning July 1.
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Ten Lycoming College theatre students showcased their talents in this year’s Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival (KCACTF), Region II, walking away with multiple honors.
Lycoming announced a partnership that will enable students to pursue a nursing degree through an accelerated program with DeSales University.
Lycoming announced a new dual degree in engineering that will enable students to earn a foundational liberal arts and sciences education at Lycoming before moving on to an additional degree in engineering from WashU.
Saturday, March 22, 7:30 p.m.
McIver Rehearsal Hall, Trachte Music Center
New Date! This WCCA endowed concert will feature the South African troupe for an authentic snapshot of the Zulu culture and musical tradition.
Wednesday, March 26, 4 p.m.
Trogner Presentation Room, Krapf Gateway Center
Kristen Golden will discuss the successes and challenges of working criminal justice data, the importance of transparency, and how data can inform policy and practice.
Saturday, April 5, 5 p.m.
Author Zara Chowdhary will keynote at Lycoming's third annual Undergraduate Research Conference with a reading from her debut memoir, “The Lucky Ones.”