Adams County


These are the postcards related to United Methodism in Adams County PA that are in the postcard collection at the archives of the Susquehanna Conference of the United Methodist Church.  The Susquehanna Conference covers 32 counties in central and northeast Pennsylvania.  The archives of the Susquehanna Conference are located at Lycoming College in Williamsport PA.


United Methodism includes the following denominations, abbreviated as shown.

     EA – Evangelical Association

     EUB – Evangelical United Brethren Church

     EV – Evangelical Church

     MC – Methodist Church

     ME – Methodist Episcopal Church

     MES – Methodist Episcopal Church, South

     MP – Methodist Protestant Church

     UB – United Brethren Church

     UE – United Evangelical Church

     UM – United Methodist Church


     1922:  The EA and UE denominations united to form the EV denomination.

     1939:  The ME and MES and MP denominations united to form the MC denomination.

     1946:  The UB and EV denominations united to form the EUB denomination.

     1968:  The EUB and MC denominations united to form the UM denomination.


In addition, United Methodism produced the following separate denominations, created by congregations that left one of the above denominations.  Relevant postcards from these denominations are included in the collection.

     EC – Evangelical Congregational Church, left the UE in 1922

     ECNA – Evangelical Church of North America [now the Evangelical Church], left the EUB in 1968

     UBOC – United Brethren Old Constitution Church, left the UB in 1889

     UC – United Christian Church, left the UB in 1869




Barts UB


            This building has been sold.





Bendersville ME


            This building is now Bendersville UM Church.






East Berlin UE


            This building no longer exists. 

            This is Laughlin postcard #1070.






Gettysburg ME parsonage.


            This building is still standing, but it is no longer the parsonage.






Littlestown ME – 3 Littlestown churches


            This building (the one on the left) is now Barts-Centenary UM Church.





Littlestown ME


            This building is now Barts-Centenary UM Church.





Littlestown ME church and parsonage


            These buildings are now part of the Barts-Centenary Church complex.






New Oxford ME view #1


            This building is now Emory UM Church.






New Oxford ME view #2


            This building is now Emory UM Church.






New Oxford ME view #3


            This building is now Emory UM Church.






Wenksville UM


            A brief history of the Wenksville ME church is printed on the back.






York Springs ME


            This Main Street building still stands but is no longer a church. The house on the left was the parsonage.  The congregation erected a new church building and parsonage on Trolley Road, outside of town.