Page 7 - 2012 Spring Lycoming Mag

The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter
the house of wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of
your mind.” - Kahlil Gibran
It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative
expression and knowledge.” - Albert Einstein
Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with
a great teacher.” - Japanese proverb
hese quotable quotes certainly apply to the laudable
efforts of all Lycoming College faculty members who
work tirelessly to challenge, inspire and stimulate the
minds of young adults on campus. Without a doubt, Lycoming
has been fortunate to have its fair share of gifted professors,
several of whom have taught on campus for 30-plus years.
Through the many decades, Lycoming educators have
profoundly influenced the personal and professional lives of
countless individuals. Ask any Lycoming graduate to name
their favorite professor and before you know it, they’d probably
laugh at the impossible task and instead, with a big smile,
excitedly rattle off two, three or even four names.
At Lycoming, professors do much more than teach. They’re
mentors, advisors, confidants and, on occasion, adversaries –
during those fiercely competitive whiffle ball games on The
Quad. Whatever the title, their high-level of commitment to the
betterment of each student on campus remains constant.
Lycoming Magazine
asked six faculty members from across
the disciplines to answer the question, “Why do you teach?”